Thursday, May 26, 2016

Teaching: Thoughts Of A Ending Year

I sit here on the eve of closing the chapter on this 2016-2017 school year and I am trying to find the words to sum up this year.  If you need a refresher here's what I thought at the beginning of the year. Each school year is different and unique because you never have the exact same class as you did before or ever for that matter. This year, was obviously, no exception.  Never have I had a year like I had this year and I never will again. So as the year closes it's time to reflect.  The most succinct way I can put it is I'm not the same person I was when I started this year.  I was teaching a subject I'd never formally learned or been trained in while simultaneously assisting my principal in any and every way.  I'd never had a busier school year.  And throughout most of it I wondered how I ended up here, not being a classroom teacher.  My emotions rollercoasted between loving being able to see and teach so many classes and getting to know so many kids to missing having that core group of babies that were mine.  I took a big leap of faith in things I was doing and marveled at the fact that not so long ago I would have been so scared of screwing up and doing something wrong that I wouldn't have even tried.  But try I did and while I was pushed to do more and to be more I didn't break so I'm even stronger than I ever knew.  I took a lot on and in turn more got heaped on but I truly loved the work I did with my principal.  Teaching art?  Well, that was a different story.  It was way out of my comfort zone but I can say that I tried my best and did a lot of research to make sure I taught something.  It wasn't as good as a fit for me as the other venture.  While I am returning to my school, I'm not sure what my position will be yet but I don't think art will be apart of it.  And that's OK - biggest thing I learned from art is I like the high schoolers but not as their teacher.  A lot happened this year but I'm still amazed that I came out on the other side not broken, still standing.  I think I may even be stronger for stepping into the role and stepping up to the challenge.  In the end, no matter what happened this year I learned more about myself than ever and I think it could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.