Saturday, May 21, 2016

Printable: Teaching: Respect Poster

The world respect gets used a lot in a classroom.  You're constantly telling someone to have it or asking another one if they have it.  It's a word that's lost its meaning with our students.  They know they hear the word a lot and they can get the sense that they've never been told what it means to have respect, how to show it or even why they should show it.  And starting down this path of thinking gets me on my soap box about how this is the exact reason character education and social/emotional development is just as important as math and reading.  If you don't have any idea how to behave, then you're never going to be in a frame of mind to learn anything. So I created this printable during a year with a class that tested everything I had as a teacher and a person.  It's always good to have a visual reference of what you expect out of your students.